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Assign Impedance Boundaries

An impedance boundary (IB) represents a resistive surface. The behavior of the field at the surface and the losses generated by the currents flowing inside the resistor are computed using analytical formulae. HFSS does not simulate any fields inside the resistor.

1. Select a surface on which to assign the boundary, right-click Assign Boundary>Impedance to bring up the Impedance Boundary dialog box.

2. Enter the Resistance and Reactance.

3. Select Infinite Ground Plane if you want the surface to represent an electrically large ground plane when the radiated fields are calculated during post processing. .


If you select Infinite Ground Plane, the effect of the impedance boundary will be incorporated into the field solution in the usual manner, but the radiated fields will be computed as if the lossy ground plane is perfectly conducting. Only one infinite ground plane is permitted in designs with impedance boundaries


You can assign a variable as the resistance and reactance values. Eigenmode designs cannot contain design parameters that depend on frequency, for example, a frequency-dependent impedance boundary condition.

Related Topics

Zoom to Selected Boundary

Setting Default Boundary Base Names

Technical Notes: Impedance Boundaries