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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
Designer and VBScript >
   Designer Scripting Conventions >
       Scripts and the Active Layer           

Scripts and the Active Layer

The active layer is the layer that is used for object creation and placement during adding operations in the user interface. Adding operations include paste and placement of instances, as well as object creation. Usually there will be an active layer, but it is not required and can not be assumed.

Adding operations are responsible for ensuring that the active layer exists and meets the particular requirements (such as layer type) for the operation. Adding operations may change the active layer to a different layer that meets requirements. The user is notified if the active layer is changed. If no layer is available to be active, the operation is not done.

The active layer is not used during script adding operations. Script adding operations are responsible for ensuring that the specified layer exists and meets the particular requirements (such as layer type) for the operation. If there is a problem with using the specified layer, the operation is not done.

The active layer is always visible and selectable. These attributes are reset, if needed, when a layer is made active. The current active layer is indicated by a combo box display in the toolbar. The list for the combo box contains all layers that may be set active.

The active text style is related to the active layer. If there is no active layer, there is no active text style. Objects on the active layer have priority during snapping.

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