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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
Designer and VBScript >
   Overview of Designer Script Variables       

Overview of Designer Script Variables

When you record an Designer script, the beginning of the script looks like the following:


Dim oAnsoftApp

Dim oDesktop

Dim oProject

Dim oDesign

Dim oEditor

Dim oModule

Set oAnsoftApp = CreateObject("AnsoftDesigner.DesignerScript")

Set oDesktop = oAnsoftApp.GetAppDesktop()


Set oProject = oDesktop.SetActiveProject("Project1")

oProject.InsertDesign "Planar EM", "PlanarEM1", _

"C:\testinstall\Designer\syslib\PCB - SingleSided.asty", ""

Set oDesign = oProject.SetActiveDesign("PlanarEM1")

Set oEditor = oDesign.SetActiveEditor("Layout")


The lines above define the variables used by Designer in the script and assign values to the variables. The variables are used in the following hierarchy:

































The oDesignerApp object provides a handle for VBScript to access the AnsoftDesigner product.

One example of accessing this object is:

Set oDesignerApp = CreateObject(“AnsoftDesigner.DesignerScript”)



The oDesktop object is used to perform desktop-level operations, including project management.

One example of accessing this object is:

Set oDesktop = oDesignerApp.GetAppDesktop()



The oProject object corresponds to one project open in the product. It is used to manipulate the project and its data. Its data includes variables, material definitions and one or more designs. One example of accessing this object is:

Set oProject = oDesktop.GetActiveProject()



The oDesign object corresponds to an instance of a design in the project. This object is used to manipulate the design and its data. Its data includes variables, modules, and editors.

One example of accessing this object is:

Set oDesign = oProject.GetActiveDesign()



The oEditor object corresponds to an editor, such as the layout or schematic editors. This object is used to add and modify data in the editor.

One example of accessing this object is:

Set oEditor = oDesign.SetActiveEditor(“Layout”)


The AnsoftDesigner product scripting supports the following editors:



The oModule object corresponds to a module in the design. Modules are used to handle a set of related functionality.

One example of accessing this object is:

Set oModule = oDesign.GetModule(“Excitations”)


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