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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
Reporter Editor Script Commands >


Use:                   Modifies an existing QuickEye analysis.

Command:         Double-click on the analysis in the project tree.

Syntax:              EditQuickEyeAnalysis (<string>, // name of analysis to edit


                          "DataBlockID:=", <int>,

                          "SimSetupID:=", <int>,

                          "OptionName:=", <string>,

                          "AdditionalOptions:=", <string>,

                          "AlterBlockName:=", <string>,

                          "FilterText:=", <string>,

                          "AnalysisEnabled:=", <int>, // 1 if enabled, 0 if disabled

                          Array("NAME:OutputQuantities", <QuantityArray>, <QuantityArray>...)

                          Array("NAME:NoiseOutputQuantities", <QuantityArray>, <QuantityArray>...) ),

                          "Name:=", <string>, // name for new analysis

                          "QuickEyeAnalysis:=", Array(<string>, // Input rise time

                          <string>, // Input low voltage

                          <string>, // Input high voltage

                          <string>, // bits per second

                          <string>, // number of FFE taps

                          <string>, // Random Jitter Standard Deviation

                          <string>, // Delay

                          <string>, // Duty cycle distortion

                          <bool>, // true if unit interval, false if bits per second

                          <string>, // number of DFE taps

                          <bool>, // true to calculate FFE, false if weights are specified

                          <bool>, // true to calculate DFE, false if weights are specified

                          <string>, // DFE decision threshold

                          <string>, // DFE decision high

                          <string>, // DFE decision low

                          <bool>), // true if using specified equalization, false if disabled


                          "Variable:=", <string>,

                          "Data:=", <string>, // sweep

                          "OffsetF1:=", <bool>,

                          "Synchronize:=", <int>), // 1 to Synchronize, 0 otherwise

                          "FFEWts:=", Array(".5", "-2"), // optional, specified weights

                          "DFEWts:=", Array("2"))) // optional, specified weights

Return Value:    <string> – // Name of the analysis after being modified

                          // If the name requested conflicts with the name of an existing

                          // analysis, the requested name is altered to be unique.

                          // The name returned reflects any change made to be unique.

Parameters:      <QuantityArray>:


                          "NodeType:=", <string>, // CompInst, Variable, Net, Harmonics, or Custom

                          "CompID:=", <string>,

                          "CompName:=", <string>,

                          "QuantityName:=", <string>,

                          "Selected:=", <bool>,

                          "UnitType:=", <string>,

                          "DataType:=", <string>, // Real, Complex, Integer, Enum, Char, Free, Array, Record

                          "CircuitInstanceID:=", <string)

Example:           dim name

                          name = oModule.EditQuickEyeAnalysis ("MyQuickEyeAnalysis", Array("NAME:SimSetup", "DataBlockID:=", 28, "SimSetupID:=", _

                          3, "OptionName:=", "(Default Options)", "AdditionalOptions:=", "", "AlterBlockName:=", _

                          "", "FilterText:=", "", "AnalysisEnabled:=", 1, Array("NAME:OutputQuantities", Array("NAME:Quantity", "NodeType:=", "CompInst", "CompID:=", _

                          "5", "CompName:=", "Level01_NPN_Model_5", "QuantityName:=", "I", "Selected:=", _

                          true, "UnitType:=", "NoUnit", "DataType:=", "Real", "CircuitInstanceID:=", ""), Array("NAME:Quantity", "NodeType:=", _

                          "CompInst", "CompID:=", "10", "CompName:=", "RES__10", "QuantityName:=", "I", "Selected:=", _

                          true, "UnitType:=", "NoUnit", "DataType:=", "Real", "CircuitInstanceID:=", ""), Array("NAME:Quantity", "NodeType:=", _

                          "Net", "CompID:=", "", "CompName:=", "net_47", "QuantityName:=", "V", "Selected:=", _

                          true, "UnitType:=", "NoUnit", "DataType:=", "Real", "CircuitInstanceID:=", "")), Array("NAME:NoiseOutputQuantities"), "Name:=", _

                          "MyQuickEyeAnalysis", "QuickEyeAnalysis:=", Array("5e-10", "0", "1", "1e-9", "2", _

                          "0", "1e-9", "0", true, "1", false, false, "0", "1", "-1", true), Array("NAME:SweepDefinition", "Variable:=", _

                          "Temp", "Data:=", "LINC 1cel 10cel 10", "OffsetF1:=", false, "Synchronize:=", _

                          0), "FFEWts:=", Array(".5", "-2"), "DFEWts:=", Array("2")))


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