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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
Reporter Editor Script Commands >


Use:                   Creates a new report with a single trace and adds it to the Results branch in the project tree.

Command:         Product Menu>Results>Create <type> Report

Syntax:              CreateReport <ReportName> <ReportType> <DisplayType> <SolutionName> <ContextArray> <FamilesArray> <ReportDataArray>

Return Value:    None

Parameters:      <ReportName>

                           Type: <string>

                           Name of Report.



                           Type: <string>

                          Possible values are:

                             "Standard" - For most plot types.

                             "Load Pull" - For load pull plots.

                             "Constellation" - For constellation plots.

                             "Data table" - For data tables.

                             "Eye Diagram" - For eye diagrams.

                             "Statistical" - For statistical plots.



                           Type: <string>

                          Possible values are:

                           "Rectangular Plot", "Polar Plot", "Radiation Pattern", "Smith Chart", "Data Table", "3D Rectangular Plot", "3D Polar Plot", or “Rectangular Stacked Plot”.



                           Type: <string>

                           Name of the solution as listed in the Modify Report dialog box.

                          For example:    "Setup1 : Last Adaptive"



                           Type: Array of strings

                          Context for which the expression is being evaluated. This can be an empty string if there is no context.

                          Array(“Domain:=”, <DomainType>)



                          ex. “Sweep” or “Time”


                          Array(“Context:=”, <SimValueContext>)

                          Context for the trace. For more information see SimValueContext.



                           Type: Array of strings

                          Contains sweep definitions for the report.

                          Array(“<VariableName>:= “, <ValueArray>)



                          Array(“All”) or Array(“Value1”, “Value2”, ...”Valuen”)

                          examples of <VariableName>

                          “Freq”, “Theta”, “Distance”



                           Type: Array of strings

                          This array contains the report quantity and X, Y, and (Z) axis definitions.

                          Array(“X Component:=”, <VariableName>, “Y Component:=”, <VariableName> | <ReportQuantityArray>)



                          ex. Array(“dB(S(Port1, Port1))”)



                          oModule.CreateReport "XY Stacked Plot 1", "Standard", "Rectangular Stacked Plot", _

                          "LinearFrequency", Array("NAME:Context", "SimValueContext:=", Array(3, 0, 2, 0, _

                          false, false, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, "", 0, 0)), Array("F:=", Array("All")), Array("X Component:=", _

                          "F", "Y Component:=", Array("dB(S(Port1,Port1))", "dB(S(Port1,Port2))", _

                          "dB(S(Port2,Port1))", "dB(S(Port2,Port2))")), Array()



                          oModule.CreateReport "Data Table 1", "Standard", "Data Table", "LinearFrequency",_

                          Array("NAME:Context", "SimValueContext:=", Array( _

                          3, 0, 2, 0, false, false, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, "", 0, 0)), Array("F:=", Array("All")), Array("X Component:=", _

                          "F", "Y Component:=", Array("dB(S(Port1,Port1))")), Array()



                          oModule.CreateReport "3D Rectangular Plot 1", "Standard", "3D Rectangular Plot", _

                          "LinearFrequency", Array("NAME:Context", "SimValueContext:=", Array(3, 0, 2, 0, _

                          false, false, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, "", 0, 0)), Array("F:=", Array("All")), Array("X Component:=", _

                          "F", "Y Component:=", "F", "Z Component:=", Array("dB(S(Port1,Port1))")), Array()



                          oModule.CreateReport "3D Rectangular Plot 2", "Standard", "3D Rectangular Plot", _

                          "LinearFrequency", Array("NAME:Context", "SimValueContext:=", Array(3, 0, 2, 0, _

                          false, false, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, "", 0, 0)), Array("F:=", Array("All")), Array("X Component:=", _

                          "F", "Y Component:=", "F", "Z Component:=", Array("dB(S(Port1,Port1))")), Array()


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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