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          首页 >> Ansoft Designer >> Ansoft Designer在线帮助文档

Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Script Guide >
Design Verification Script Commands >


Use:                   Adds a rule set to the design

Command:         Right-click Design Verification in the Project Tree and choose Add Rule Set

Syntax:              AddRuleSet Array("NAME:<RuleSetName>",

                          "ScriptNames:=", <ScriptInfo>,

                          "ScriptActiveFlags:=", <ScriptFlags>)

Return Value:    None

Parameters:      <RuleSetName>:

                          <string> // name of the rule set to create



                          Array(<string>, <string>,...) // names of scripts to be in the rule set



                          sequence of "t" and "f" characters

                          t indicates a script that is active (used in when the rule set is run)

                          f indicates a script is not currently active (used when the rule set is run)

                          applied to the scripts as ordered in <ScriptInfo>


Example:           oModule.AddRuleSet Array("NAME:Rule Set 9", _

                          "ScriptNames:=", Array("And", _

                          "Find Shorts"), _

                          "ScriptActiveFlags:=", "tf")


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