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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Remote Analysis >
   Remote Configuration Considerations >
       Prerequisites for Remote and Distributed Analysis           

Prerequisites for Remote and Distributed Analysis

1. You must have Ansoft’s Remote Simulation Manager (RSM) or a supported High Performance Computing (HPC) management software program. The list of currently-supported PC software includes

• Platforms’s Load Sharing Facility or LSF

• Altair’s PBS

• Microsoft Computing Cluster Server 2003 (Windows only)

2. Designer must be installed on all remote machines as well as the machine on which the remote/distributed analysis is launched.

3. If you use RSM, it must be installed on all remote machines. In addition, the product engines must be registered on RSM. To do this, on each remote machine:

• On Windows on the local and remote machines, click
Start > Programs > Ansoft > product > Register with RSM.

You can also run RegisterEnginesWith RSM.exe, located in the product subdirectory
(for example,C:\Program Files\Ansoft\Designer\RegisterEnginesWithRSM.exe).

In either case, you see a dialog confirming the registration. OK the dialog.

• On Linux, run RegisterEnginesWithRSM.pl, located in the product installation directory. (for example, /apps/ansoft/Designer/RegisterEnginesWithRSM.pl).

If the RSM service cannot run due to permission issues for the configuration file, it issues an error message and exits. If your product is not registered with RSM, the analysis will run locally. For more information, see the Remote Simulation Manager (RSM) documentation in the Designer Installation Guide.


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                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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