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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Removing Definitions from a Project       

Removing Definitions from a Project

Once component, symbol, material, and other definitions have been incorporated into a project, they remain in the project .adsn file across sessions and are visible in the Definitions section of the project tree, even if you delete every instance of their usage from the project’s design(s). Because the project version of a given definition takes precedence over all other possible instances of that definition, even a revalued definition in a newly exported PersonalLib library file, unused definitions left in a project can lead to surprising results if you do not delete them.

If you have removed every usage instance of a definition from a project, you can remove its Definitions entry by clicking Remove Unused Definitions on the Project menu. The Unused Definitions dialog box opens. Use the dialog box to select definitions to delete.

If no instances of a design are used in a project, or if all of a design’s objects have been deleted, the design and its symbol will be removed when the user saves the project.

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