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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Project Options >
       Project Options Tab           

Project Options Tab

The Project Options tab is already selected when you choose General Options from the Tools > Options submenu, and it displays the following options.


Save Options

• Do Autosave activates the Autosave Interval.

• Autosave Interval sets the number of editing actions after which a backup file is automatically saved to your hard drive. The backup file is given the same name as your project and has an “adsn.auto” file extension.

• Save preview images in project file allows you to specify a preview image project file.



• Project specifies where Designer first looks to open files.

• Temp specifies where Designer stores temporary internal files for simulation data.

• SysLib specifies where Designer looks for system library files.

• UserLib specifies where Designer looks for user-defined library files.

• PersonalLib specifies where Designer looks for user-defined personal library files.

• Click Reset Library Directories to restore settings to their installation defaults.


Additional Options

• Expand Project Tree on Insert specifies that the project tree in the project window will be expanded when displayed and whenever project information is inserted in the edit window.

• When creating a new project allows you to specify that a new design of the selected type will be inserted every time a new project is created, or to create a new project without inserting a design.

• Warn when available disk space is less than allows you to specify the disk space in megabytes.


When all information on the Project Options tab is as desired, select another tab or click OK to put your options into effect.

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                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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