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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Working with Designer Projects >
   Opening Existing Projects       

Opening Existing Projects


To open an existing project:

1. On the File menu, click Open.

2. Use the file browser to find the file. By default, files with the adsn extension are displayed. You can change this by choosing a different Files of type option:

• *.adsn — Designer project file

• *.anf — Ansoft Neutral File format [V4] file

• *.adsn, *.anf — All Designer files

• *.ndsn — Ansoft Nexxim project files

• *.cir — Ansoft Nexxim Netlist file

• *.sdf — Ansoft Nexxim Solution file

• *.sp — HSpice netlist files (valid only in Nexxim analyses)

• *.adsn, *.anf — All Designer SI files

• *.adsn, *.ndsn, *.cir, *.sdf, *.sp, *.scs — All Ansoft Nexxim files

• *.scs — Spectre® netlist files (Valid only in Nexxim analyses. Spectre is a trademark of Cadence Corporation.)

3. Select the file you want to open.

4. Click OK.

The selected project opens in the Project Manager.


Viewing Recent Projects

To view a list of up to eight projects most recently opened in Designer, open the File menu. The recent projects list appears just above the Exit command.


Opening Recent Projects

To open a project you recently saved in Designer, click the name of the project file at the bottom of the File menu.


Opening Legacy Planar EM (Ensemble) Projects

Import of Ensemble version 6 to 8 files was supported until Designer v2.2. No version of Designer supports import of Ensemble version 1 to 5.1 style files. Please contact Ansoft Technical Support to obtain earlier versions of Designer or Ensemble that will allow you to translate old project files to Ansoft Designer.




The .ndsn extension identifies projects created with the stand-alone Nexxim product. Nexxim circuit and Nexxim netlist projects created within Designer are saved with the normal .adsn format. Designer can open Nexxim-created .ndsn projects, but saves all projects in .adsn format.




Legacy Circuit (Serenade) projects (.ssp extension) do not open correctly from the File Open dialog. Contact Ansoft Technical Support for assistance in converting legacy projects to Designer. Opening an Ansoft Neutral File project (.anf suffix) begins with a conversion dialog. See Importing ANF Design Data. ANF data can be used by the System and Planar EM simulators.


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