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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

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   The MPIE Method >
       Size of Mesh Versus Accuracy            

Size of Mesh Versus Accuracy

There are trade-offs among the size of the mesh, the desired level of accuracy, and the amount of available computing resources.

The accuracy of the solution depends on the size of the basis elements. Solutions based on meshes that use many small triangles and rectangles are more accurate than solutions based on coarse meshes using few elements. To generate a precise description of the current, each element must occupy a region that is small enough for the current to be adequately interpolated from the normal values. However, meshes with a large number of elements require a significant amount of computing power and memory. Therefore, it is desirable to use a mesh that is fine enough to obtain an accurate current solution but not so fine that it overwhelms the available computer memory and processing power.

To produce an optimal mesh, Designer uses an adaptive, or iterative process in which the mesh is automatically refined in critical regions. First, it generates a solution based on a coarse initial mesh. Then, it refines the mesh in critical areas and generates a new solution. When the current and charge distributions on the structure converge to within the desired precision, Designer breaks out of the loop.

Alternatively, a fixed dense mesh can also be used by choosing the fixed frequency mesh option and specifying a frequency near the high end of the sweep range. The mesh generated using this option is a uniform mesh. The advantage of the fixed frequency mesh over the adaptive mesh is that no extra simulations are needed to generate the mesh before the frequency sweep can be done.

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