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HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Using the Estimate Module >
   Estimating Dimensions of Printed Antennas       

Estimating Dimensions of Printed Antennas

Use the Printed Antennas menu to estimate the dimensions of two different types of singly fed, circularly polarized (CP) patches and the resonating length of a rectangular patch. This command is not available for infinite ground layers or trace layers between two infinite ground layers.


The following commands are available:


CP Corners Truncated

Estimates the dimensions of a corners-truncated CP element.

CP Nearly Square

Estimates the dimensions of a nearly square CP element.

Rectangular Patch

Estimates the resonating length of a rectangular patch. This command also estimates the bandwidth and the radiation efficiency of the patch as well as the location on the patch corresponding to an impedance value.

Use the CP Corners Truncated and CP Nearly Square commands to obtain estimates on the dimensions of two different types of singly fed CP patches. To generate circular polarization on a patch using a single feed, you must excite two orthogonal modes on the patch. To obtain two orthogonal modes on a patch, you generally start with a square patch and perturb the element. You can perturb the element by cutting away two opposite corners of the patch or by extending one of the sides slightly. The following figure demonstrates the two types of singly fed CP patches:

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