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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Setting Up Excitations >
   Creating an Edge Port       

Creating an Edge Port

1. Select the signal layer on which the port lies.

2. On the Edit menu, click Select Edges.

3. Click the edges of the model on which the port lies.

4. On the Draw menu, click Port > Create.

The edge port is listed under Excitations in the project tree.


To edit the port’s properties, double-click the edge port in the project tree. The Edge Port Definition dialog box appears:


You can perform the following functions:

• Change the port’s name.

• Vary the current excitation.

• Renormalize the port to a specific port impedance.

• De-embed the port.


A port can be split across multiple signal layers. It can be made of up to three different line segments on three different primitive objects. Ports located over apertures in ground planes can generate incorrect results. Designer will automatically display a warning message if referencing a gap source to the nearest ground would produce such an error.



Renormalization is ignored if it is set to zero, but de-embedding is still honored. The following warning message is produced for all ports with a zero post-processing renormalization impedance: Zero impedance on port '<arg1>' is ignored; renormalization will by skipped for this port.



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