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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Setting Up Excitations >
   Creating a Plane Wave        

Creating a Plane Wave

(Planar EM only)


A plane wave propagates in one direction, and is uniform in the directions perpendicular to its propagation direction. The angle at which the plane wave impacts the device is known as the angle of incidence.


To create a plane wave and specify its angle of incidence:

1. On the Draw menu, click Plane Wave Excitation.

The new plane wave is listed under Excitations in the project tree.

2. Specify the incident angle:

a. Double-click Plane Wave in the project tree to open the Setup Plane Wave Excitation dialog box.


b. Enter the theta angle in radians in the Theta from z-axis text box; the theta angle must be in the range of 0 to less-than pi-radians.

c. Enter the phi angle in radians in the Phi from x-axis text box; the phi angle must be in the range of 0 to 2x pi-radians. (Note that units default to radians. However, degrees may be used if ‘deg’ is appended as a suffix, e.g., 120deg.)

d. Click OK.

The plane wave is listed under Excitations in the project tree. The currents on the structure are saved at every frequency. Large data files can be created for large structures. Double-click the plane wave entry in the project tree to edit its excitation properties. The following controls are available:

• Theta: angle in radians from the z-axis; must be in the range of 0 to less-than pi-radians.

• Phi: angle in radians from x-axis text box;must be in the range of 0 to 2x pi-radians.

• PlaneWave:H Mag: magnitude of the excitation for the horizontal (TM) polarization.

• PlaneWave:H Phase: phase of the excitation for the horizontal (TM) polarization.

• PlaneWave:V Mag: magnitude of the excitation for the vertical (TE) polarization.

• PlaneWave:V Phase: phase of the excitation for the vertical (TE) polarization.

Note that angles default to radians; degrees may be used if 'deg' is appended as a suffix, e.g., 120deg.


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Plane Waves

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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