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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Optimetrics >
   Setting up a Parametric Analysis  >
       Viewing Parametric Analysis Results           

Viewing Parametric Analysis Results

1. In the project tree, right-click the parametric setup for which you want to view the results calculated for the solution quantities, and then click View Analysis Result on the shortcut menu.

The Post Analysis Display dialog box appears.

2. Select the parametric setup with the results you want to view from the pull-down list at the top of the dialog box.

3. Make sure the Result tab is selected on the dialog.

4. To view the results in tabular form, select Table as the view type.

The results for the selected solution quantities are listed in table format for each solved design variation.

5. Optionally, select Show complete output name.

The complete name of the solution for which the results are being displayed will be listed in the column headings.

6. Optionally, click a design variation in the table, and then click Apply (at the far right side of the dialog box).

The design displayed in the design window is changed to represent the selected design variation.

7. To view the results in graphic form, select Plot as the view type.

8. Select the variable with the swept values you want to plot on the x-axis from the X pull-down list.

9. Only one sweep variable at a time can be plotted against solution quantity results. Any other variables that were swept during the parametric analysis remain constant.

Optionally, to modify the constant values of other swept variables, do the following:

a. Click Set Other Sweep Variables Value.

The Setup Plot dialog box appears. All of the other solved variable values are listed.

b. Click the row with the variable value you want to use as the constant value in the plot, and then click OK.

10. Select the solution quantity results you want to plot on the y-axis from the Y pull-down list.

The x -y plot appears in the view window.

You can modify the display by right-clicking in the graph area. See 2D Report Pulldown for details on these operations.

11. To view profile information about the analysis, click the Profile tab on the Post Analysis Display dialog.

12. When more than one parametric analysis has been run, use the left and right arrows to select a profile.

13. Click Close to close the Post Analysis Display dialog.


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