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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Optimetrics >
   Setting up an Optimization Analysis >
       Solving a Parametric Setup During an Optimization            

Solving a Parametric Setup During an Optimization

(Planar EM only)

Solving a parametric setup during an optimization analysis is useful when you want Optimetrics to solve every design variation specified in the parametric setup at each optimization iteration. A cost function goal could then depend on the value of the variable swept in the parametric setup.

To solve a parametric setup during an optimization analysis:

1. In the Setup Optimization dialog box, click the General tab.

2. In the Parametric Analysis pull-down list, click the parametric setup you want Optimetrics to solve during an optimization.

3. Select Solve the parametric sweep during optimization.

4. Optionally, you can adjust the sweep values to be used during the optimization:

a. Click on the Goals tab, click Add and specify a calculation.

b. Select the calculation and click Edit Cal. Range.

c. On the Edit Calculation Range dialog, click the View Parametric Sweep button. The Parametric Sweep Table dialog opens. Use the fields to change values, add rows, or delete rows.

d. Click Close to close the Parametric Sweep Table dialog. Click OK to close the Edit Calculation Range dialog.



1. With the System simulator, the General tab on the Setup Optimization dialog includes a field to apply the update each time a set number of iterations has been performed.

2. With the System simulator, the Random search optimization method does not update any values unless the cost function improves. The other optimizers update on every iteration as expected. See Optimizers in the System Simulator.

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