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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Optimetrics >
   Setting a Linear Constraint       

Setting a Linear Constraint

A linear constraint defines the linear relationship between variables. Setting linear constraints in Optimetrics is useful for establishing limitations involving linear combinations of variable values.

1. In the Setup Sensitivity Analysis dialog box, click the Variables tab.

2. Click Linear Constraint.

The Linear Constraint dialog box appears.

3. Click Add.

The Edit Linear Constraint dialog box appears.

4. Click a Coeff text box and type a positive or negative coefficient value.

5. Click a condition, < (less than) or > (greater than), in the pull-down list.

6. Type the inequality value, which should be a constant value, in the text box to the right of the condition.

7. Click OK.

You return to the Linear Constraint dialog box. The left-hand side of the constraint appears in the LHS (left-hand side) column. The condition is listed in the Condition column, and the inequality value is listed in the RHS (right-hand side) column.


The topics for this section include:

Modifying a Linear Constraint

Deleting a Linear Constraint

Linear Constraints


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