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Optimetrics >
   Parametric Overview       

Parametric Overview

Running a parametric analysis enables you to simulate several design variations using a single model. You define a series of variable values within a range — a variable sweep definition — and HFSS generates a solution for each design variation. You can then compare the results to determine how each design variation affects the performance of the design.

You can vary design parameters that are assigned a quantity, such as geometry dimensions, material properties, and boundary and excitation properties. (See the online help topic for the specific parameter you want to vary.) The number of variations that can be defined in a parametric sweep setup is limited only by your computing resources.

To perform a parametric analysis, you first create a nominal design. A nominal design is created like any other design, except that variables are assigned to those aspects of the model you want to change. All variables must be defined before you start the parametric analysis. Although you are not required to solve the nominal design before performing a parametric analysis, doing so helps ensure that the model is set up and operates as intended. Alternatively, you can perform a validation check on the nominal design before performing a parametric analysis.

Parametric analyses are often used as precursors to optimization analyses because they enable you to determine a reasonable range of variable values for an optimization analysis.

Related Topics

Setting up a Parametric Analysis

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