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   Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source, Nonlinear Dependent       

Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source, Nonlinear Dependent


Nonlinear VCVS Netlist Format

The B-element is a nonlinear dependent voltage-controlled voltage source generated for Nexxim by Ansoft Maxwell Spicelink. The format for a B-element is:

Bxxxx n+ n- V=”expression_of_V(c1)_and_V(c2)

n+ is the positive node and n- is the negative node of the voltage source. The expression is a function of the two control voltages. The expression can contain functions such as ABS, COS, and SIN; see the Nexxim Netlist Format module for a list of supported operators and functions in expressions.



It is recommended that the expression be enclosed in single or double quotation marks. The expression must be enclosed in single or double quotes if it contains any leading, trailing, or embedded white space. If the circuit analysis does not seem to yield the correct results, check to ensure that all generated expressions are enclosed in quotes.

Nonlinear VCVS Netlist Examples

Benp 13 0 V=V(5)*V(10)

Benm 14 0 V=COS(V(5)) * SIN(V(10))

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