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Nexxim Simulator > Voltage-Controlled Current Source, Piecewise Linear
Piecewise Linear VCCS Netlist FormatThe format for a piecewise linear voltage-controlled current source (VCCS) is: Gxxxx out+ out- [VCCS] PWL(1) in+ in- [DELTA=val] [SCALE=scale] [M=val] [TC1=val] [TC2=val] x1 y1 [... xK yK ] or Gxxxx out+ out- [VCCS] NPWL(1) in+ in- [DELTA=val] [SCALE=scale] [M=val] [TC1=val] [TC2=val] x1 y1 [... xK yK ] or Gxxxx out+ out- [VCCS] PPWL(1) in+ in- [DELTA=val] [SCALE=scale] [M=val] [TC1=val] [TC2=val] x1 y1 [... xK yK ] out+ is the positive node and out- is the negative node of the current source. The entry VCCS is the default for the G element type. The entry PWL, NPWL, or PPWL is required to identify the piecewise linear VCVS type. NPWL simulates an N-type symmetrical bidirectional switch or transfer gate, PPWL simulates the P-type device. in+ and in- are the positive and negative nodes for the control voltage. The x y pairs are the input voltage values and the corresponding output current values. For intermediate values that are not in the list of x values, the simulator calculates the corresponding output by interpolation from the given values. The use of the DELTA parameter allows you to control the curvature of the interpolation to guarantee that the 1st derivative of the curve is continuous.
Piecewise Linear VCCS Netlist ExamplesGpwl1 30 0 VCCS PWL(1) 21 0 HFSS视频教程 ADS视频教程 CST视频教程 Ansoft Designer 中文教程 |
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