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Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Component Models >
Resistors >
   Resistor, Port Impedance (Netlist Only)       

Resistor, Port Impedance (Netlist Only)

Netlist Format

The port impedance resistor defines an input/output port for Linear Network Analysis (LNA) in a netlist design.

The netlist form for a port impedance resistor instance is:

Rxxxx n1 n2 PORTNUM=val [RZ=val IZ=val]
[NOISE=val [NOISEVEC=[f1,psd1, ... fn,psdn]] [NOISETEMP=val]]

n1 is the positive node and n2 is the negative node of the resistor. The current is assumed to flow from n1 through the resistor to n2.


Port Impedance Resistor Instance Parameters

Instance Parameter





Port number (must be nonnegative integer)




Real part of port impedance




Imaginary part of port impedance




1 = generate noise data

0 = no noise data




List of shot noise frequencies (f1...fn) and corresponding noise power spectral densities (psd1...psdn), in pairs.

The sequence of frequencies must be monotonically non-decreasing.




Temperature for thermal noise data




Resistor width



Port Impedance Resistor Instance Netlist Example

Rport1 IN1 0 PORTNUM=1 RZ=50 IZ=1e-3
+ NOISE=1 NOISEVEC=[1e3,1e-22,5e9,43e-22] NOISETEMP=25

Rport2 IN1 0 PORTNUM=2 RZ=50 IZ=0



1. The port impedance resistor is required in a netlist-based design only for Linear Network Analysis, where it is necessary to represent a port as an impedance. For schematic designs created within Designer, the interface port element inserts a port impedance resistor automatically. For this reason, no Port Impedance Resistor element is available in the Schematic Editor interface.

2. Each port impedance resistor must be oriented in the circuit so that the direction of current flow is outward from the circuit at every port. Reversing this orientation can lead to undesirable results such as reversing the sign of the S-parameters.

3. The PORTNUM parameter specifies the port number, which can be any nonnegative integer.

4. RZ and IZ are the real and imaginary parts of the port impedance. If they are omitted, the default is RZ = 50 Ohms, IZ = 0. RZ and IZ are valid for all the small-signal analyses (AC, HB, LNA, and Noise). IZ is ignored by DC and Transient analyses.

5. The NOISE parameter turns noise calculations on (1) or off (0). When NOISE is on, the resistor syntax can include the NOISEVEC and NOISETEMP parameters. The total noise is the sum of shot noise and thermal noise.

6. The NOISEVEC list specifies the frequencies and power spectral densities for the shot noise component for a TV noise or oscillator phase noise analysis. The list must contain an even number of values inside the brackets, so that each frequency has a corresponding power spectral density value. An odd number of values generates an error. The sequence of frequencies must be monotonically non-decreasing. If a frequency is not greater than or equal to the previous one in the list, an error occurs. If NOISEVEC is omitted, the shot noise behavior is similar to that of a standard resistor.

7. The NOISETEMP parameter specifies the temperature at which thermal noise is calculated, using the formula [4K´NOISETEMP/RZ], where K is Boltzmann’s constant, NOISETEMP and RZ are the parameter values.

The default value of NOISETEMP (290° K) is the IEEE standard 16.85° C. To turn off ther­mal noise, set NOISETEMP to 0 (zero).

8. When port impedance resistors are present, the option ZERO_PORT_VALUES=1 must be set in the netlist to obtain a correct LNA. When the option ZERO_PORT_VALUES=1 is in effect, the port impedance is shorted.


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