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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Component Models >
Probes >
   Oscillator Probe       

Oscillator Probe


Oscillator Probe Netlist Format

To enable oscillator analysis, the circuit must include an oscillator probe device. The netlist syntax for this device is:

Rxxx positive negative OSC_PROBE=1 A=val FREQ=val

The oscillator probe element can have any name beginning with “R”. Positive is the positive node and negative is the negative node.

The OSC_PROBE=1 parameter is required to distinguish the oscillator probe from a resistor.

The probe behaves like an oscillating voltage source with voltage amplitude given by the parameter A at the frequency given by the parameter FREQ. At all other frequencies, the probe current is zero. The default for parameter A is zero volts. The default for parameter FREQ is 1e6Hz.

The oscillator probe is a frequency domain element; in the time domain (for example, in transient and DC analyses) the oscillator probe behaves like an open circuit.

The oscillator probe applies a small voltage at a known frequency. The initial guess at the circuit oscillating frequency is controlled by the initial_guess option (see Initial Guess for Oscillator Frequency). The voltage given by parameter A is always used as the initial probe voltage. The simulator adjusts the frequency and voltage until both the real and imaginary components of the probe current (Iprobe) are zero, that is, Re(Iprobe) = 0 and Im(Iprobe) = 0. The frequency where this occurs is the oscillating frequency.


Oscillator Probe Parameters






Probe initial voltage amplitude




Probe initial frequency



Oscillator Probe Netlist Example

Rprobe1 net_34 net_27 OSC_PROBE=1 A=0.005 FREQ=3e6

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