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Nexxim Simulator >
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Nexxim Ideal Microwave >
   Antenna, Parabolic       

Antenna, Parabolic



Netlist Form

An instance of a parabolic antenna has the following Nexxim netlist syntax:

Axxx n1 n2 n3 n4 D=val [R0=val] COMPONENT=antep

n1 and n3 are the nodes connected to the antenna. n2 and n4 are the nodes to be connected to the LINK element for 2-port operation. The entry COMPONENT=antep identifies the element as a parabolic antenna.


Parabolic Antenna Instance Parameters






Diameter of the antenna




Reference characteristic impedance



Netlist Example

Aantep1 sigout1 sigout2 D1.15 COMPONENT=antep


1. The gain of the parabolic antenna is calculated as (pD/l)2, where l is the wavelength. This gain is the maximum antenna gain in the main beam direction.

2. When used as a 1-port or a 2-port, the input impedance is presented by R0 across nodes 1 and 3. When used as a 2-port, the 2nd port should be connected to the LINK element for proper analysis. See note below.

3. The R0 parameter can be used to modify the antenna calculation reference impedance for non 50-Ohm systems. R0 is used to convert the antenna’s S-parameters, which are computed for a 50-Ohm system, to the Y-parameters used by the linear analysis.


1. C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, Harper & Row Publishers, Section 7.3, 1982


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