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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
   Controlling Nexxim Output >
       Netlist Design Output Control >
           Wildcard Characters in Output Values               

Wildcard Characters in Output Values

The output specification can contain the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and question mark (?):

* means “match zero or more characters.” For example “V(net*)” would output the voltage of any node whose name begins with the characters net, such as net, net55, or net_whatever.

? means “match any single character.” For example “V(net?)” would output the voltage of any node whose name consists of the characters net followed by one more character, such as net1 or netA.



Instances of “V(*,*)” or “V(?,?) that produce “V(x,x),” the differential voltage between two identical nodes, are not normally included in the output.

However, if a wildcard pattern of two nodes matches one or more “V(x,x)” outputs, just one of those matches will be included in the result. This guarantees that a statement such as .PRINT PAR(‘V(x) + V(?,?)’) will have a value whan a valid result exists.

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