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Nexxim Simulator >
Variable Sweep >
   Running Variable Sweeps from the Netlist Editor >
       Variable Sweep Netlist Syntax           

Variable Sweep Netlist Syntax

Depending on the analysis, the netlist can specify a sweep of any of the following variables:

•  The simulation temperature.

•  A netlist parameter.

•  An instance parameter for a circuit device.

To run a variable parameter sweep with any analysis, add the following netlist syntax at the end of the analysis statement:

SWEEP variable1 sweep_spec1 [variable2 sweep_spec2 ...]

Sweep Variable

Each variable entry specifies a variable to be swept:

•  The keyword TEMP to sweep the temperature.

•  The name of a netlist parameter as it is defined in a .PARAM statement elsewhere in the netlist.

•  The name of a circuit device followed by the name of one of its instance parameters with a space separator, for example R5 R for the resistance of resistor R5, or Q23 area for the area of BJT Q23.

•  For an independent voltage or current source, the name of the DC voltage or current parameter is optional. For voltage or current sources, if no parameter is given, the DC voltage or current is swept. For example, V21 DC, V21 V and V21 all sweep the DC voltage of source V1.

Sweep Range

sweep_spec specifies the range of values to be swept, using one of three syntax forms.

1. The first form of sweep_spec specifies the starting and ending values, and the incremental step:

[START=]start_val [STOP=]stop_val [STEP=]step_val

If you omit the START=, STOP=, and STEP= labels, the start value, stop value and step value must be entered in the order shown. If you use the labels, the values may be entered in any order, but then all three values must have labels. For example, the following sweep specifications both call for a sweep of variable parameter A from 1 to 10 in increments of 2:


SWEEP A 1 10 2

Both of these specifications generate simulations with A equal to 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 10.

However, the following sweep specification is not valid (if you use the labels, all three values must be labeled):


2. The second form of sweep_spec specifies a pattern of values to be swept with numpoints, start_val and stop_val, using one of the predefined sweep types LIN, DEC, or OCT:

LIN|DEC|OCT numpoints start_val stop_val

Numpoints must be a positive integer value. If you give zero or a negative value for numpoints, an error is generated. If you give a positive non-integer value for numpoints, it is truncated to an integer without warning.

The LIN, DEC, and OCT keywords specify sweeps as follows:

Linear sweep at numpoints different values, starting from the value given by start_val to the value given by stop_val. The spacing between test values is
(stop_val start_val) / (numpoints 1). For example, the following sweep specification calls for a linear sweep of variable A at 5 points starting at 1 and ending at 10:

SWEEP A LIN 5 1 10

This specification generates simulations with A equal to 1, 3.25, 5.5, 7.75, and 10.

Logarithmic sweep at numpoints different values in each decade interval (10× multiple of start_val) from start_val to the first point at or beyond stop_val. The spacing between test values is logarithmic within decades. For example, the following sweep specification calls for a logarithmic sweep of variable A at 2 points per decade starting at 1 and ending at 100:

SWEEP A DEC 2 1 100

This specification generates simulations with A equal to 1, 3.16, 2, 31.6, and 100. In this example, the stop_val is an exact decade of the start_val, and the sweep thus includes the stop_val exactly. See the next example for the case where the stop_val is not an exact decade or octave of the start_val.

Logarithmic sweep at numpoints different values in each octave interval (2× multiple of start_val) from start_val to the first point at or beyond stop_val. The spacing between test values is logarithmic within octaves. For example, the following sweep specification calls for a logarithmic sweep of variable A at 2 points per octave starting at 1 and ending at 2.5:

SWEEP A OCT 2 1 2.5

This specification generates simulations with A equal to 1, 1.414, 2, and 2.828. In this example, the stop_val is not an exact octave of the start_val, so the sweep includes the first point greater than the stop_val that also matches the OCT specification.

3. The third form of sweep_spec provides a space-separated list of num_pts values:

POI num_pts pt1 ... ptN

For example, the following sweep specification calls for a sweep of variable A at 5 points, 1, 2.7, 3.2, 5, and 11.5:

SWEEP A POI 5 1 2.7 3.2 5 11.5

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