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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Time-Varying Noise Analysis >
   TV Noise Results       

TV Noise Results

TV Noise analysis can compute several kinds of outputs. To view the available quantities for output in a report, specify Noise in the Domain field on the Report dialog. The following categories of outputs can be displayed in a report:


This category contains the swept frequency variable F and any other variables defined in the design.

Output Variables

This category contains the output variables from the steady-state harmonic balance calculation specified in the solution setup. In a schematic, the Output Variables quantities are specified by editing the Output Variables field in the TV Noise Analysis dialog. In a netlist, the Output Variables quantities are specified with a .PRINT HB statement.

Noise Output

This category contains the noise outputs at the nodes or branches identified in the solution setup. In a schematic, the Noise Output quantities are specified by editing the Noise Output field in the TV Noise Analysis dialog. In a netlist, the Noise Output quantities are specified with the NOISE_OUTPUT entry in the .TV_NOISE statement. For voltages, the noise output is expressed in V2/Hz. For currents, the noise output is expressed in A2/Hz. No noise factor or conversion gain is computed for these outputs. (The noise factor and conversion gain are computed for the Onoise figure described below.)

Input Referred Noise

The solution setup can specify one input (port, resistor, or source) to use as an input-referred noise source. Nexxim creates a result for each noise output. For voltage sources, the input-referred noise is expressed in V2/Hz. For all other devices, the input-referred noise is expressed in A2/Hz.


This category includes the Onoise, Noise Factor, and Noise Figure outputs.

Onoise is the noise output for the specified output frequency at the specified output port, in dB. The Noise Factor/Noise Figure and Conversion Gain outputs are referenced to Onoise.

The Noise Factor and Noise Figure are computed when both input and output ports are specified. The calculation uses the thermal noise parameters from the input port specification, if present, otherwise defaulting to a noise temperature of 290°K. Noise parameters for the output port are ignored in the calculation.

The Nexxim TV Noise Factor is the IEEE single-sideband figure. The Noise Figure is the Noise Factor converted to dB.

•  To display the Noise Factor, select NF11 from the Quantities list, and select <none> from the Functions list in the Report dialog.

•  To display the Noise Figure, select NF11 from the Quantities list, and select dB from the Functions list in the Report dialog.

Conversion Gain

The Conversion Gain output (quantity CG11) is the power conversion gain between the input port at the input frequency and the output port at the output frequency, in dB.

The Conversion Gain is computed when both input and output ports are specified. The calculation uses the thermal noise parameters from the input port specification, if present, otherwise defaulting to a noise temperature of 290°K. Noise parameters for the output port are ignored in the calculation.

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