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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Variable Sweep >
   Sweeping Temperature with the TEMP Statement       

Sweeping Temperature with the TEMP Statement

Instead of the SWEEP TEMP specification, the netlist can specify a sweep of temperature with the .TEMP statement:

.TEMP temp1 [temp2 ...]

For example, to sweep the ambient temperature over three values (10, 20, and 30 degrees Celsius):

.TEMP 10 20 30


is equivalent to

.DC SWEEP TEMP POI 3 10 20 30

The separate .TEMP sweep affects only those analyses that do not have a specific TEMP sweep in the analysis statement. The following example shows how the separate TEMP sweep statement affects other sweep specifications:


.TEMP 10 20 30 $ Sweeps three temperature points

.DC SWEEP A LIN 4 1 4 $ Sweeps a total of 3x4=12 points

.DC SWEEP TEMP LIN 5 50 54 $ Sweeps a total of 5 points only

The first .DC statement is affected by the .TEMP sweep, so a total of twelve points are swept, three temperatures times four values of parameter A. The second .DC statement contains its own temperature sweep of 5 points, so the separate .TEMP statement is ignored and only the five temperature points are swept.

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