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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexsys Discrete Time Domain Analysis >
   Nexsys MATLAB User Defined Models >
       Example MATLAB Model Files >
           Sinusoidal Source Model               

Sinusoidal Source Model

Here is a model of a sinusoidal source, sin.m. This SOURCE type model has no inputs and one output.

The model name, sin, matches the Matlab function name.

% NEXSYS FUNCTIONAL_MODEL ("sin", "0","", "", "1","r", "1","NO_DATA_REQ", "NOT_APPLICABLE", "NSAMP=256,SAMPLE_RATE=102.4e6,AMPLITUDE=1,FOSC=10e6,PHASE=0" )

Here are explanations for the entries in this line:



Model name and function name


No inputs


No input type


No samples needed per invocation


One output


Output is real


“NSAMP” sample to be generated per invocation (all samples are sent to the output port at once)


No extra data reference is required


No probe domain

" NSAMP=256, SAMPLE_RATE=102.4e6, AMPLITUDE=1, FOSC=10e6, PHASE=0"

Parameters for the model

Here is the Matlab sin function definition.

function [ output, SV ] = sin (parameters, SV, status_in)

The input and output variables for the function are:


Parameter values of the model


State variable (in)


Input status


Output signal


State variable (out)

Get parameters.

% Get parameters from function argument p

samples = parameters(1);

sample_rate = parameters(2);

amplitude = parameters(3);

fosc = parameters(4);

phase = parameters(5)*pi/180;

Calculate and set output and return:

time = (0:samples-1)/sample_rate;

output = amplitude*cos(2*pi*fosc*time + phase);


The sinusoidal source does not require any state variables (SV) to be saved or retrieved.

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