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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexsys Discrete Time Domain Analysis >
   Creating and Simulating a Nexsys Design >
       Set Up and Run Nexxim and Nexsys Analyses           

Set Up and Run Nexxim and Nexsys Analyses

The Nexsys time domain simulation shares the same analysis setup with transient analysis.

To add a Transient analysis solution setup.

1. Right-click on the Analysis menu in the Project window to open a menu. Select Add Nexxim Solution Setup from the menu, then slide the cursor to select Transient Analysis from the subordinate menu.

2. Set the Step and Stop times to control the analysis when a Nexxim source is driving the system. These analysis control parameters are ignored by the Nexsys simulator if thereare no Nexxim sources present in the design.

3. Click OK to close the Transient Analysis Setup.

4. Click on the project and select Analyze All from the menu.

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