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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
AMI Analysis >
   AMI Analysis Technical Notes >
       Sequence of Operation           

Sequence of Operation

AMI Analysis proceeds in three phases: Initialization, Data Generation, and Close. The transmitter model and receiver model both contain functions AMI_Init(), AMI_Get_Wave(), and AMI_Close(). Each of these functions performs at the appropriate phase.

At Initialization:

•  Nexxim computes the impulse response of the main channel and of any aggressor channels, using transient analysis. Signals are sampled using a constant time step (fixed fraction of the UI).

•  Nexxim passes the impulse response data (inlcuding the responses of aggressors) to the AMI_Init() function in the transmitter model specified in the AMI Source, along with the bit period (UI) specified in the AMI Source and the timestep specified in the AMI Analysis setup.

•  The transmitters’ AMI_Init() function may modify the channel impulse responses, using settings from the AMI parameters file specified for the AMI Source.

•  The channel responses generated by the transmitter’s AMI_Init() function are passed to the AMI_Init() function in the receiver model specified in the AMI Probe.

•  The receiver’s’ AMI_Init() function may modify the channel impulse responses, using settings from the AMI parameters file specified for the AMI Probe.

During Data Generation:

Nexxim repeats the following loop for each block of transmit data:

•  The AMI Source generates a sequence of random bits using one of several methods.

•  The AMI Source converts the stream of bits into a Piecewise Linear (PWL) waveform. The PWL waveform includes any transmit jitter specified in the AMI Source.

•  The PWL waveform is passed to the transmitter model’s AMI_Getwave() function.

•  The waveform output from the transmitter model’s AMI_Getwave() function is convolved with the impulse response of the channel. Contributions from aggressors are added linearly.

•  The convolved signal is passed to the receiver model’s AMI_Getwave() function.

•  The receiver model can generate clock ticks internally instead of using Nexxim’s, and can provide the clock ticks to Nexxim for postprocessing.

•  The data for each block from the receiver model’s AMI_Getwave() function are formatted for postprocessing.

At the Close:

Once all the blocks have been processed, Nexxim calls the AMI_Close() functions in the transmitter and receiver to close files and release memory.

Impulse Response and Waveform Data

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