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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
   Controlling Nexxim Output >
       Schematic Design Output Control           

Schematic Design Output Control

In the Schematic Editor, use the Edit Output Quantities feature in the Solution Setup dialog box to specify particular outputs. Ports and probes in the schematic are automatically added as outputs


By default, Nexxim stores all intermediate values for all nodes. If you do not specify any output quantities at setup, all node voltages and branch currents are retained so that they can be output to the results file. With large circuits or analyses, the amount of data to be stored can cause the simulation to slow down, or even to exceed memory limits (usually a fatal error for Designer/Nexxim). The Edit Output Quantities dialog specifies which nodes/values are to be retained, allowing Nexxim to discard all other values when they are no longer needed. Use of the dialog can significantly reduce memory usage. Although the range of output values may be limited, in those cases where memory is an issue, use of the Edit Output Quantities facility may be required to allow the computation to complete successfully.

Edit Output Quantities

1. In the Circuit pulldown, select Add Solution Setup.

2. In the Solution Setup dialog, select the type of analysis to be run. Click Next. A setup dialog for the selected analysis opens.

3. In the dialog, click Edit Quantities in the Output Quantities panel. (This facility is not available for Linear Network Analysis).

4. The Output dialog opens:

For all analysis types, the Output dialog identifies the nets available for voltage outputs. After running an analysis, voltage values are available for these nodes. Expand the Nets icon to see the individual nodes. Expand each node to select its voltage as an output.

For all analysis types, the Output dialog identifies devices available for current outputs. After running an analysis, current values are available for all nodes of the requested devices. For example, if you request the current through a resistor R1, the current outputs will include the values Iterminals_0(R1) and Iterminals_1(R1).

For Harmonic Balance, Time-Varying Noise, and Oscillator analyses, the Output dialog identifies harmonics available for output analysis.

If the circuit contains a subcircuit, the Output dialog displays its nets and devices for selection as outputs when you expand the icon for the subcircuit.

5. Click its checkbox to select an output quantity. The selected quantities are listed in the Defined Output field.

6. Click OK to close the Output dialog and return to the dialog for the selected analysis. The output quantities you selected are listed in the Output Quantities panel of the analysis dialog. Complete the solution setup as described in the topics for the individual analyses.

Ports in Schematics

In schematic circuit designs, you can add hierarchical ports to nodes that represent the circuit outputs. The nodes with attached ports are automatically added to the list of output quantities available for reports of simulation results.

Probes in Schematics

In schematic circuit designs, you can add voltage and current probes to nodes whose values are of interest. The nodes with attached probes are automatically added to the list of output quantities available for reports of simulation results.

.MEASURE Quantities in Schematics

A Nexxim netlist may set up a MEASURE variable to contain a value calculated during simulation. After simulation has run successfully, all variables defined in .MEASURE statements are available in the Measure Category listing of the Report dialog. See .MEASURE Statements in the File Formats topic for details.

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