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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Variable Sweep >
   Restrictions on Sweeping a Choice of Subcircuits       

Restrictions on Sweeping a Choice of Subcircuits

When you sweep a selection of subcircuits and the instance names of those subcircuits are the same, any terminal name of one must either be unused in the others or used with the identical external connectivity.

The following example violates that rule in three different ways, any one of which is enough to produce unexpected results during simulation.

* subs_wrong.sp

* This is an example of three different incorrect

* uses of sweeping a subcircuit choice


.param S=1


V0 1 0 DC 5

X0 1 0 outer


.subckt outer a k

.if (S==1)

X1 a k inner1

.elseif (S==2)

X1 a k inner2

.elseif (S==3)

X1 a k inner3


X1 k a inner1 / Problem #3




.subckt inner1 g h

R1 g h R=10



.subckt inner2 h g / Problem #1

C1 h g 1e-8



.subckt inner3 g f

R1 g h R=10 / Problem #2

C1 h f 1e-6




.dc SWEEP X 1 4 1


1. The definition inner2 reverses terminals g and h compared to inner1, so that the resulting nodes X0.X1.g and X0.X1.h are cross connected between those two sweep steps.

2. The definition inner3 has node h as an internal node, which conflicts with the use of h as a terminal of inner1.

3. The instance of inner1 in the .else condition with k and a reversed in turn reverses the external connection of g and h, which causes the same cross connection as reversing them inside the subcircuit definition inner2.

All of these problems arise because the same instance name X1 is used for the subcircuit for different steps. If you use a different instance name for each step, there is no restriction on terminal names.

When sweeping a choice of subcircuit, it may be convenient to use the same instance name every time, because it allows you to give the same name to terminals that are consistently connected or to any internal nodes. Then you have the ability to print and compare those nodes across the sweep. But when you choose to use the same instance name (X1 in the example) you must be careful to use the terminal names (g and h in the example) consistently.


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