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   QuickEye and VerifEye Technical Notes >
       QuickEye Bitlists           

QuickEye Bitlists

QuickEye convolves the step responses with a stream of bits to generate the eye data. The QuickEye Source generates the binary data using one of several methods.

•  The netlist can contain the bits as an explicit list using the BITLIST parameter.

•  The netlist can point to a file that contains the data, using the BITFILE parameter. See Bitfile Formats below.

•  The source can generate a sequence of random bits, controlled by the RANDOM_BIT_COUNT and RANDOM_SEED parameters.

•  The source can generate a pseudorandom sequence of bit patterns of length 7, 11, 23, or 31.

Any of these bit sources can be repeated using the REPEAT_COUNT parameter. The default is one time through the list (REPEAT_COUNT=0).

In addition, the bitstream can be the worst-case pattern from PDA. When the PD_COUNT parameter is set to 1 or higher in the QuickEye analysis setup, the Eye Source uses the worst-case bit pattern with REPEAT_COUNT set to (PD_COUNT).

Bitfile Formats

A bitfile for QuickEye can be a simple text file (.txt extension) containing a list of 0s and 1s without separators. A QE bitfile can also use a Coded Bit Pattern (.cbp extension). A coded bit pattern file has two columns: tag repeats.

The tag column entry specifies the type of bit pattern to generate:


Bit Representation










Random 0s and 1s

The repeats column entry tells how many (integer) repeats of the given bit representation to generate.

A line beginning with an exclamation point is a comment. Here is an example:

! example coded bit pattern file

zero 10

random 100

one 1

zero 42

lonely_1 3


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