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Nexxim Simulator >
VerifEye and QuickEye Analyses >
   Quick Eye Analysis Outputs       

Quick Eye Analysis Outputs

To display the results of a QuickEye analysis, click on the Results icon in the Project tree and select one of the Create Report options. There are many ways to plot the data; this topic gives examples of an Eye Diagram, a Time Domain graph, a 2D Bathtub plot, a 2D Contour plot, and a 3D Bathtub plot.

Eye Diagram

QuickEye Analysis is typically viewed as a standard eye diagram.

•  Select Create Eye Diagram Report>Rectangular Plot. Click New Report on the Report dialog. (The report may take a few moments to display because of the large number of data points.)

The upper plot shows the Eye Probe amplitude overlays over a duration of two unit intervals The lower plot shows the raw time domain data.

The raw time domain datacan be viewed a segment at a time using a scrollbar.

Right-click on the trace and select Edit>Properties. On the Properties dialog Eye tab, select (check) Show X Scrollbar, and set the Thumb Width to a small fraction of the overall time. Click OK to display the scrollbar:

Moving the scrollbar shifts the time data accordingly.

Time Domain

The report can show the Time Domain data in full size.

•  Select Create Eye Diagram>Rectangular Plot.

•  Use the Domain pulldown to select Time. Click New Report. The report shows the raw Time Domain trace at full scale. (The report may take a few moments to display because of the large number of data points.)

To view the raw time domain data a segment at a time using a scrollbar:

Right-click on the trace and select Edit>Properties. On the Properties dialog Eye tab, select (check) Show X Scrollbar, and set the Thumb Width to a small fraction of the overall time. Click OK to display the scrollbar:


2D Bathtub Plots

To view the data as a 2D bathtub curve, select select Create Standard Report>Rectangular Plot. On the Report dialog, select UI as the Domain and Bathtub as the Category. Click New Report.

This graph shows the BER at various locations in the unit interval. By default, the amplitude is set at the midpoint of its value range. The BER values are on the Y-axis using logarithmic scaling and a minimum of 1e-16.

This represents a horizontal slice of the BER through the center of the eye.


The BER bathtub plot can show the BER over all values of the Amplitude, using the midpoint of the Unit Interval.

•  Right-click anywhere in the report and select Modify Report.

•  Click the checkbox Use midpoint of and the radio button Unit Interval. Click Apply Trace. The report changes to show the BER plotted against the values of Amplitude with the UI held at its midpoint. This graph represents a vertical slice of the BER through the center of the eye..

This represents a vertical slice of the BER through the center of the eye.

To restore the BER bathtub plot to the midpoint of the Amplitude:

•  Right-click anywhere in the report and select Modify Report.

•  Click the checkbox Use midpoint of and the radio button Amplitude. Click Apply Trace. The report changes to show the BER (the AEYEPROBE axis in the example) plotted against displacement in the unit interval.

•  Alternatively, use the Families tab to select a value in the Amplitude range where the BER values are to be sampled.


2D Contour Plot

To view the data as a contour plot of the bit error rate, select Create Standard Report>Rectangular Contour Plot. On the Report dialog, select UI as the Domain and Eye as the Category. Click New Report.

The contours for AEYEPROBE represent the bit error rates using logarithmic scaling. Amplitude represents the voltage transitions and UnitInterval is the location of the data relative to the unit interval.


3D Bathtub

To view the bathtub curve as a 3D plot of the bit error rate, select Create Standard Report>3D Rectangular. On the Report dialog, select UI as the Domain and Bathtub as the Category. Click New Report. This 3D bathtub curve shows the bit error rate as both amplitude of transitions and and location in unit interval are swept over all values.

The 3D report setup can be modified to show the bathtub curve when the either the amplitude or the unit interval are held at the midpoint. The graph collapses to 2D in either case.

Sampled Eye Diagram

The sampled or statistical eye report generates the eye diagram but does not retain the transient data for further postprocessing. The sampled eye diagram plot requires an Eye Scope be present at the desired measurement point.

To generate a sampled eye diagram, select Create Statistical Eye Report>Statistical Eye Plot. Select your QuickEye Analysis as the Solution; UI as the Domain; Eye as the Category; the desired Eye Probe as the Quantity Type; and <none> as the Function.

Eye Measurement Report

To generate an eye measurement report after QuickEye analysis has run to completion, left-click on the Results icon and select Create Statistical Eye Report>Data Table. Select your QuickEye analysis as the Solution, Eye Measurements as the Domain, Eye as the Category, your eye measurement (MinEyeWidth or MinEyeHeight) as the Quantity, and <none> as the Function. Click New Report to generate the plot.

A very small eye measurement may be displayed as zero in Decimal format. On the table, click the value under the eye measurement to open its properties window, and change the Number Format to Scientific to see the value. Here is an example:


Related Topics

Creating Eye Diagrams in the Reports topic.

Eye Measurements in the Reports topic

Statistical Eye Plot in the Reports topic


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