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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
VerifEye and QuickEye Analyses >
   Running QuickEye Analysis from the Netlist Editor >
       QuickEye Analysis Netlist Format           

QuickEye Analysis Netlist Format

QuickEye analysis is invoked from the netlist using the .EYE statement:

TRISE=val TFALL=val LOW=val HIGH=val BPS=val|UI=val
FFE_TAP=val FFE_WEIGHTS=[ val val...]
DFE_TAP=val DFE_WEIGHTS=[ val val...]
PD_COUNT=val PROBE=eyeprobe

The entry QUICK=1 enables the QuickEye analysis.

By default, the worst-case bit pattern is calculated by Peak Distortion Analysis (PDA). The worst-case bit pattern can be displayed in a report, and can also be sent to the Eye sources for simulation with QuickEye. The PD_COUNT parameter controls the sending of the worst-case bit pattern.

•  When PD_COUNT is -1, the worst case bit pattern is not sent to the Eye sources. This is the default behavior.

•  When PD_COUNT is 0 (zero), one iteration of the worst-case bit pattern is sent to all Eye sources in the design, overriding any bit patterns set in the Eye Sources.

•  When PD_COUNT is greater than zero, Nexxim repeats the PDA pattern. For example, PD_COUNT=1 gets one repeat (two iterations of the pattern), PD_COUNT=2 gets two repeats (three iterations), and so forth.

The PROBE parameter controls the PDA calculation when PD_COUNT is 0 or greater than zero. When PD_COUNT is -1, PDA worst-case bit patterns are calculated for all pairs of Eye Sources and Eye Probes, but no bits are sent to the analysis. When PD_COUNT is zero or greater, the worst-case bit patterns are calculated from all sources to the Eye Probe given by the PROBE parameter, and those bit patterns are sent from the sources.

The DELAY parameter sets a time delay during which the effects of transitions are ignored. After the delay, the step response is applied.

Setting RUN_MISSING_STEP_RESPONSE=1 runs transient analysis to compute the step response when an External Step Response data file reference is missing or cannot be found. Without this option, missing step response data causes analysis to fail.

The other parameters are global versions of the EyeSource and Eye Probe parameters. The global version of a parameter is used only when the Eye Source or Eye Probe does not have that parameter set locally.

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