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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Options Reference   

Nexxim Options Reference

This section contains tables for all the usable Nexxim options.


In the netlist, Nexxim options are set with the .OPTIONS statement using the following syntax:

.OPTIONS [qualifier.]option[=val][ [analysis.]option[=val] ...]


The .OPTIONS statement can contain multiple option settings, separated by spaces. The qualifier makes its option specific to one analysis type:

dc for DC analysis

tran for transient analysis

hb for harmonic balance analysis

hb.env for harmonic balance envelope analysis

lna for linear network analysis

osc for oscillator analysis

osc.phase_noise for oscillator phase noise analysis

tv_noise for time-varying noise analysis

eye for VerifEye and QuickEye analyses

ami for Algorithmic Modeling Interface (AMI) analysis

s_element for S-element calculations

w_element for W-element calculations


Nexxim also allows statement parameters that set options for just one particular analysis. For example, here is a partial syntax for the TRAN statement:

      .TRAN step stoptime
      + ERRPRESET=relaxed|moderate|strict
      + RELREF=pointlocal|allocal|sigglobal|allglobal

ERRPRESET and RELREF are statement parameters that set the corresponding options.


The topics for this section include:

Global Analysis Options Reference

Global Device Options Reference

DC Analysis Options Reference

Transient Analysis Options Reference

Harmonic Balance Options Reference

Linear Network Analysis Options Reference

Oscillator and Phase Noise Analysis Options Reference

Envelope Analysis Options Reference

TV Noise and PXF Analysis Options Reference

VerifEye and QuickEye Analysis Options Reference

AMI Analysis Options Reference

S-Element Options Reference

W-Element Options Reference


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