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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Linear Network Analysis >
   LNA Technical Notes >
       Nexxim Group Delay Analysis           

Nexxim Group Delay Analysis

Optionally, LNA can include group delay analysis. Group delay analysis determines the delay of the propagation of energy at a given frequency point, defined as the derivative of the phase of a network parameter with respect to frequency. The calculation is GDij = dφij / dω, where φij is the phase of Sij.

To compute group delay, numerical perturbation is used to compute the derivative. At each frequency, two analyses are performed, one at the nominal frequency F, and a second at the perturbed frequency F’. The perturbed frequency is:

F' = F × (1.0 + GROUP_DELAY_PERT)

The default for GROUP_DELAY_PERT is 0.001 (0.1%) which is acceptable for most circuits. The typical range is 0.1 to 1.0e-7. However, smaller values may yield more accurate results for circuits with high-Q components, or those with sharp passbands-stopbands. Larger values may yield more accurate results for large circuits that use numerically complex models, where truncation errors can accumulate. Negative values for PERT use a perturbed frequency less than the nominal frequency.

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