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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Linear Network Analysis >
   LNA Technical Notes >
       Nexxim DC Noise Analysis           

Nexxim DC Noise Analysis

Optionally, LNA can include DC noise analysis.

DC noise analysis calculates the noise spectral density at designated outputs due to thermal, flicker, and shot noise sources in a circuit that has been linearized around the DC bias operating point.

Thermal noise is a variation in current due to random thermal motion of the electrons in physical resistors and bulk materials. Thermal noise is directly proportional to the absolute temperature.

Flicker noise is a random variation in current associated with contamination and crystal defects in semiconductors. Flicker noise is associated with a flow of direct current. Flicker noise generates a noise signal with energy concentrated at low frequencies; because of this 1/f frequency dependence, flicker noise is also called 1/f noise.

Shot noise is a fluctuation in the current across P-N junctions in diodes and transistors due to random barrier crossings by electrons and holes in the vicinity of the junction. Like flicker noise, shot noise is associated with a direct current flow.

Results of noise simulation include the Output Noise (Onoise) matrix and the Input-Referred (Inoise) matrix. The entries in the Onoise and Inoise matrices have units of Volt/Hz½ or Amp/Hz½.

Output Noise Matrix

Input-Referred Noise Matrix

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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