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          首页 >> Ansoft Designer >> Ansoft Designer在线帮助文档

Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
   Nexxim Simulation Process >
       Netlist Editor Designs           

Netlist Editor Designs

Users can also develop their designs using the Designer Netlist Editor. The basic steps in this process are:

1. Open Designer. See Starting Designer.

2. Create a new project by selecting File>New from the Designer top menu bar.

3. Insert a new Netlist design by selecting Insert Circuit Netlist from the Project menu in the top menu bar. This step opens the Designer Netlist Editor.

4. Use the Netlist Editor menus to create a netlist that describes the circuit topology, assigns instance and model parameters to devices, and specifies the type of analysis to be performed.

•  See Netlist Editor for details on the editor operation.

5. Run the analysis.

6. Create and view one or more reports from the analysis results.

•  See Generating Reports and Postprocessing for details.


In Designer schematic designs, expressions can include built-in constants such as ‘pi’, and designs can reference user-defined project variables and intrinsic variables. These constants and variables are not available in designs entered with the netlist editor or in externally-generated netlists.

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