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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexsys Discrete Time Domain Analysis >
   Nexsys MATLAB User Defined Models >
       The Nexsys MATLAB Model File >
           Model Definition Line               

Model Definition Line

The model definition line identifies the name of the model, the inputs and outputs on the model, and the names and initial values of any model parameters. The netlist syntax for the model definition line is:

% NEXSYS Functional_Model(“model_name, In_N, In_Types, In_Num_Sample_Needed, Out_N”, Out_types, Out_Num_Sample_Generated, data_flag, probe_domain, parameter_string)



Each entry in the parentheses ( ) must be double quoted, or else an error occurs.


Nexsys MATLAB UDM Netlist Entries

Netlist Entry



The name for the MATLAB UDM


The number of input ports


A character string of length In_N specifying the data type for each corresponding input port. The characters are r for real, c for complex.


The number of input samples needed per invocation (execution) of the model. This entry can be an expression using the parameters listed in the parameter_string entry.


The number of output ports


A character string of length Out_N specifying the data type for each corresponding output port. The characters are r for real, c for complex.


The number of output samples generated per invocation (execution) of the model. This entry can be an expression using the parameters listed in the parameter_string entry.


Flag. Set to DATA_REQ when external data needed, NO_DATA_REQ to reset.


Domain for displaying probe data:

TF_DOM for time and frequency domain
FREQ_DOM for frequency domain only
SWEEP_DOM for sweep domain
NOT_APPLICABLE for non-probe elements


List of keywords, optionally with default values (keyword=val) separated by commas.

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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