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Nexxim Simulator >
VerifEye and QuickEye Analyses >
   QuickEye and VerifEye Technical Notes >
       Crosstalk Differences between QE and VE           

Crosstalk Differences between QE and VE

Quick Eye and VerifEye treat correlation differently, affecting the treatment of crosstalk.

QuickEye is similar to transient in the way it deals with correlation. The algorithm inherently takes into consideration the time behavior at the output due to each source given by thestep response. When convolving the step responses from various sources, the factors that contribute to correlation (bit sequence, phase delays, bps/UI) are taken into consideration.

VerifEye’s statistical methodology currently assumes the step responses are uncorrelated. The methodology takes the step responses and applies statistical algorithms to obtain the outputs of interest.

The difference is most apparent in the ways the two algorithms deal with crosstalk. If the two lines (victim and aggressor) have exactly the same UI, then the crosstalk pulse will occur in exactly the same place in each bit time. QE will show the pulse, but VE will not. However, if the two UIs differ—even slightly—then the crosstalk pulse will be out of phase with the intended signal, and its effect will show up equally at any location within the eye. It is this second case that is called “uncorrelated crosstalk,”, and it what VerifEye normally handles.

When the option eye.verifeye_correlated_crosstalk is set to a nonzero value, Nexxim can calculate the correlated crosstalk for VerifEye as well as QuickEye. The crosstalk sources must have the same UI as the victim. The phase of the aggressors will be fixed, calculated from the phases specified for each of the sources.

As an example or uncorrelated crosstalk, here are microstrip coupled lines with two sources:


Here are the QE and VE contour plots:


This contour shows the crosstalk pulse at about .60 of the UI.


The crosstalk is not apparent in the VE contour.

To generate an uncorrelated result from QE, we change the UI of one of the sources:



Now the QE and VE contour diagrams match to an acceptable degree.






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