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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
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       Continuous Time Linear Equalization           

Continuous Time Linear Equalization

Communication channels typically attenuate the high-frequency components of the signal more than the low-frequency components. High-frequency rolloff degrades rise and fall times. Continuous-Time Linear Equalization (CTLE) compensates for this loss by inserting a high-pass filter at the receiver.

The Nexxim implementation uses a first- or second-order filter model. To enable CTLE, the user gives the frequency for the first pole (f1). Optionally, the user can supply a frequency for the second, parasitic pole (f2), a zero frequency for the response curve, and a list of allowable AC/DC Gain values. The first pole frequency f1 is the lower bound of the high passband. The optional second pole frequency f2 is the upper bound. The optional zero frequency fz is the beginning of the upslope in the response curve.

Nexxim varies the Gain to find the optimum equalization for the channel. The list of gain values can contain one value or several. If no list of Gain values is supplied, Nexxim calculates the optimum CTLE gain between the linear values 0 to 1 (-infinity dB to 0 dB).

The transfer function with just the first pole frequency is:




The transfer function with both poles is:




The transfer function with both poles and the zero frequency is:





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