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Nexxim Simulator >
   Adding ALTER Blocks       

Adding ALTER Blocks

An ALTER statement directs Nexxim to resimulate a design using changed values for parameters. See ALTER Statements for details on the netlist representation of ALTER statements.

In a schematic, you can define one or more sets of ALTER blocks. ALTER data sets are added to the Project tree. Later, you can select one of the ALTER data sets from the Project tree to apply within a solution setup.

Defining a Set of ALTER Blocks in a Schematic

To create a set of ALTER blocks, right-click on the icon for the Nexxim design in the Project tree and select Add Alter Block. (Alternatively, right-click on the Analysis icon in the Project tree and select Add Alter Block).

The Alter Data dialog opens:

Click on the Alter Data Name field to rename the ALTER data set. The Alter Data Name is the name that appears for this ALTER data set in the Project tree.

Initially, no ALTER blocks are defined. Click Add to start a new ALTER block (Alter1 in the picture above).

•  Click on the name of the ALTER block to rename it if desired. The name of the ALTER block in the Alter Data dialog is the one that is written out to the netlist before simulation.

•  Click on the button in the Definition field to open the Edit Netlist String window:

If the cursor does not appear immediately, click in the window to activate it.

Type the text of the ALTER block one line at a time.


Start a new line by typing Ctrl-Enter at the end of the current line. Pressing Enter (without holding down the Ctrl key) ends the edit and closes the window.

When you are finished entering the ALTER block lines, click OK to return to the Alter Data dialog, or click Cancel to end the edit without defining anything.

•  Use the Add button on the Alter Data dialog to add as many ALTER blocks to the set as desired. All the ALTER blocks in the set will be written to the netlist when the set is selected for an analysis.

•  Use the Delete button on the Alter Data dialog to delete ALTER block definitions that are not to be used as part of the set being defined. Left-click the ALTER block to select it for deletion.

•  When you have defined all the blocks in the set, click OK on the Alter Data dialog. The set of Alter blocks appears as an icon with the Alter Data Name entry under the Analysis icon in the Project tree.


The names for the ALTER data sets in the Project tree are used for selection in the solution setup. They are independent of the names used for the individual ALTER blocks assigned in the Alter Data dialog.

You can rename an Alter set by right-clicking on its icon in the Project tree and selecting Rename from the menu. Renaming the set does not change the names of any of the ALTER blocks defined for the set.

•  To cancel the ALTER block entry process without creating any blocks, click Cancel on the Alter Data dialog.

Editing Alter Data Definitions

To review or edit the names or definitions in any ALTER data set, double-left click on the icon for that set in the Project tree to open the Alter Data dialog.

Selecting an ALTER Data Set for Simulation

When one or more sets of ALTER blocks have been defined, the Solution Setup dialog for any analysis type has a field for selecting an Alter set to use as part of the simulation:

The sets listed are those available in the Project tree. When you complete the solution setup with an Alter set selected, all the ALTER blocks defined for that set are inserted at the end of the netlist that is generated internally for the schematic design with the solution setup. The blocks are inserted in the order they are defined in the set. To view the netlist, right-click on the solution setup icon under the Analysis icon in the Project tree and select Browse Netlist.

When you run the analysis, Nexxim executes the statements in the ALTER blocks as described in the topic ALTER Statements. After simulation, you can create reports based on the settings in the ALTER statements.

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