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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
VerifEye and QuickEye Analyses >
   Running QuickEye Analysis from the Schematic Editor >
       Add an External Step Response to a QuickEye Analysis           

Add an External Step Response to a QuickEye Analysis

Instead of having Nexxim compute the step response, you can supply the step response via a data file, using the External Step Response Nexxim source. First, place Eye Sources and Probes in the circuit. Select the External Step Response from the Independent Sources list on the Components tab:

The External Step Response component does not physically connect to the circuit.

Click on the component to open the Properties list:

Select the source name and the probe name. The source and probe names appear automatically when they are present in the circuit. Each step response source applies to one source and one probe.

Specify the files that contain the rising and falling step responses by clicking the buttons in the value field. The same dialog applies to both files:

If only one file is supplied, the rise and fall are treated as symmetrical.


If no step response file is specified (or found), the default is for analysis to fail. Setting the VE/QE analysis parameter run_missing_step_response=1 runs transient analysis to generate the missing step response.

The step response data files have a two-column format: time voltage. Linear interpolation is used between time points.

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