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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Support for External Models and Interfaces >
   C Model Library Support >
       C Model API Functions >
           API Functions for All Model Types               

API Functions for All Model Types

Parameter Declaration

Each C model declares its model parameters or properties as private objects. For example:


// parameters

double R;

NOTE: In the code template files, the private parameter declarations appear after the public functions.

Get Model Attribute

This function returns a bitwise combination of model attributes that characterize the information in the C model file. The syntax is:

unsigned int get_model_attribute();

The function should return the model type ORed with other attributes as appropriate.

Model types are:




Other attributes are:

HAS_DERIVATIVES // The model computes derivatives

HAS_NOISE_SRC // The model includes noise sources

SUBSTRATE_REQUIRED // The model requires a substrate

For example:

unsigned int get_model_attribute()

Get Node Count

This function should return the number of nodes in the model. The syntax is:

int get_node_count();

For example:

int get_node_count()
{return 2;}

Get Node Name

This function returns a node name in the model each time it is called. The syntax is:

char* get_node_name(int index);

If no names are provided, a default naming system (node_0, node_1, ...) is used.

For example:

char* get_node_name(int index)


static char* node_names[] = {"pos", "neg"};

return node_names[index];


Nexxim uses the return from get_node_count to set the zero-based index values.

Set Parameter

This function sets a model parameter to the value set by the user in the schematic. The return value is a flag indicating success or error. The syntax is:

int set_parameter(char* name, double value);

This example shows the available flags.

int set_parameter(char* param_name, double value)


if (caseinsensitive_compare(param_name,"R"))







Validate Instance

This function should check parameter ranges and return a flag indicating that the model is valid or invalid. The syntax is:

int validate_instance();

This example shows the available flags.

int validate_instance()


if (R<0 || R>1e100)
{ return INVALID_PARAMETER_RANGE; } // Out of range

if (R == 0.0)


// Resistor can't be zero for this implementation




Set Substrate Information

This function is called to write information about the substrate to models that require it. Nexxim calls this routine when the attributes reutrned by the set_model_attribute function include SUBSTRATE_REQUIRED. The syntax is:

int set_substrate_info(

char* name, int type, double h, double b, double bl,
double er, double tand, double hu,
double met1, double t1, double met2, double t2,
double met3, double t3,
double rgh, double msat, double mrem, double tanm)


if (!m_substrate_info)

m_substrate_info = new udm_substrate_info;


m_substrate_info->name = name;

m_substrate_info->type = type;

m_substrate_info->h = h;

m_substrate_info->b = b;

m_substrate_info->bl = bl;

m_substrate_info->er = er;

m_substrate_info->tand = tand;

m_substrate_info->hu = hu;

m_substrate_info->met1 = met1;

m_substrate_info->t1 = t1;

m_substrate_info->met2 = met2;

m_substrate_info->t2 = t2;

m_substrate_info->met3 = met3;

m_substrate_info->t3 = t3;

m_substrate_info->rgh = rgh;

m_substrate_info->msat = msat;

m_substrate_info->mrem = mrem;

m_substrate_info->tanm = tanm;




Error Post

This function may be used by the model to display messages. The syntax is:

void error_post(int severity, std::string const& message)

The severity argument uses one of the predefined tokens:





For example:

error_post(warning_msg_level, "Resistor value cannot be zero for this model");


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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