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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
AMI Analysis >
   AMI Analysis Outputs >
       AMI Eye Diagram Waveforms           

AMI Eye Diagram Waveforms

The report can show Eye diagrams of the waveform at four points in the circuit:

•  The Initial Waveform shows the Piecewise Linear data input to the transmitter, including any jitter.

•  The Waveform After Source shows the output from the transmitter.

•  The Waveform After Channel shows the input to the receiver.

•  The Waveform After Probe shows the output from the receiver.

To plot the impulse responses, select Create Eye Diagram Report>Rectangular Plot. Select your AMI Analysis as the Solution; Time as the Domain; Voltage as the Category; InitialWaveform, EyeAfterSource, EyeAfterChannel, or EyeAfterProbe as the Quantity; and <none> as the Function. The chart below shows the Waveform After Channel.

Related Topics

Creating Eye Diagrams in the Reports topic.

Eye Measurements in the Reports topic

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