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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
Drawing a Model >
   Drawing Geometric Objects >
       Drawing a Via >
           Selecting Load Types for 2.5D Vias               

Selecting Load Types for 2.5D Vias

When defining the properties of a 2.5D via, you must specify the type of load being applied to the signal or ground layer. This is done in the Via Properties window, under the Upper Layer or Lower Layer tab, depending on which layer contains the load. You may only define a load at one end of the via. The load on the other end is then set to zero.

Select one of the following load types from the Excitation/Load Type list:



A complex number with a real and imaginary part.

RLC series

The resistor, inductor, and capacitor are in series.

RL series, C parallel

The resistor and inductor are in series, and they are in parallel with the capacitor.

RC series, L parallel

The resistor and capacitor are in series, and they are in parallel with the inductor.

LC parallel, R series

The inductor and capacitor are in parallel, and they are in series with the resistor.

LC series, R parallel

The inductor and capacitor are in series, and they are in parallel with the resistor.

RC parallel, L series

The resistor and capacitor are in parallel, and they are in series with the inductor.

RL parallel, C series

The resistor and inductor are in parallel, and they are in series with the capacitor.

RLC parallel

The resistor, inductor, and capacitor are in parallel.

coaxial excitation

The via is an external coaxial probe source that excites the structure as a port. A probe source represents a coaxial-type connector with its center pin extending from the ground plane to any metal layer.

If you select complex, you will specify the real and imaginary portions of the load in ohms.

If you select any RLC combination, you will specify the resistance value in ohms, the inductance value in nanohenrys, and the capacitance in picofarads.

If you select coaxial excitation, you will specify the desired current in amps, the phase in degrees, and the coaxial source impedance in ohms.

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