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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
   Layout Pulldown Menu >
       Line Styles           

Line Styles

Line Styles opens the Line Styles dialog box:

Use the radio buttons to select a line style:

• Click in the Width field for a line style to change the width for that style, including the units. Press Enter to complete the change.

• Click in the Bend Type field to change the bend type (Corner, Mitered, or Curve).
Press Enter to complete the change.

• Click in the Cap Type field to change the cap or line-ending type (Flat, Extended, or Round). Press Enter to complete the change.


Since a line has nonzero width, its CapType determines how its ends behave:

• Extended - Extends the line by its own width past the endpoint you click.

• Flat          - Cuts the line perpendicularly at the endpoint you click.

• Round      - Ends the line in a semicircle.


The existing technology files define line/trace styles, including a CapType (typically Flat) for each style. If you select None as the technology type, you'll automatically get a palette of four styles with a variety of widths, BendTypes and CapTypes.

• Click Add Style to add a new line style to the table.

• Click Delete Style to remove the selected style from the table.

• Click OK to save your changes, or Cancel to close the dialog without changing anything.

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