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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
   Layout Editor Display       

Layout Editor Display

The default display of the Layout Editor is 3D, with a view in a top-down 2D Cartesian coordinate orientation. The view can be changed by holding the left-mouse key, dragging the cursor, in combination with the following keystroke(s):

• Shift: Pan

• Shift-Alt: Zoom

• Alt: Rotate

Double clicking the left-mouse button with the Alt-key depressed snaps the view to various predefined orientations. Double clicking in the screen region at:

— Top-left, top-right, bottom-left, or bottom-right: orientates the view obliquely.

— Right -center: orientates the view down the positive Y axis; positive X is to the left (side-on view).

— Left-center: orientates the view down the negative Y axis; positive Y is to the right (side-on view).

— Center-top: orientates the view down the positive Z axis with the X axis facing up (top-down view).

— Center-bottom: the resulting view looks down the negative Z axis with the X axis facing down (bottom-up view).

— Center: resets the view to a standard 2D Cartesian orientation with X to the right and Y up.

All object drawing occurs in the plane of the layer. Object manipulation, such as dragging, occurs in the plane of the object. Drawing in an oblique view places 2D objects on the active layer, even if a snap occurs to a point that is off-layer. The background grid is drawn at the layer elevation, unless the view is too horizontal. To select from several vertically-layered objects, use the 'b' key to cycle through all the objects that exist directly beneath the cursor.


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