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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
   Edit Pulldown Menu for the Layout Editor       

Edit Pulldown Menu for the Layout Editor

When a layout editor design is active, clicking the Edit button on the top menu bar opens the following menu:

Undo <last edit operation> — Undo the last edit operation.

Redo <last edit operation> — Redo the last edit operation.


Cut — Delete the selected object, and retain a copy for pasting into a layout in the same application.

Copy — Create a local copy for pasting into a layout in the same application.

Paste — Put the object from the last cut or copy into the layout.

Delete — Delete the selected object without retaining a copy.

Rename — Click to rename the selected object in the layout.


Select All — Select all objects in the layout.

Unselect All — Unselect all objects in the layout.

Cycle Selection — Cycle selection of two or more objects that overlap. Each time you click Cycle Selection, a different one of the overlapping objects is selected.

Invert Selection — Unselect all objects that are currently selected, and select all the other objects.

Select by Polygon Region — Selects entities intersecting a polygonal region.


Copy Image — Create a global copy of the selected objects on the clipboard for pasting into a different application.

Copy to EM Design — Copy the selected objects to the clipboard and paste into an EM Design.

Paste in Place — Paste object to same location, without any X,Y offset/displacement.


Select — Select objects as cursor passes over their areas.

Select Handles — Select objects as cursor passes over the handles at vertices.

Select Edges — Select objects as cursor passes over edges.


Properties — Opens the Properties dialog to view and edit the properties of the selected object.


Activate — Causes the activation of one or more selected components.

Deactivate (Open) — Temporarily converts the component into an open circuit. Activate restores a deactivated component to the circuit.

Deactivate (Short) — Temporarily converts the component into a short circuit. Activate restores a deactivated component to the circuit.



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